DAS is a training platform created by the three leading studios, designed to quickly train professional artists and help them integrate into the labor market.

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Holy Motors

Join DAS and become part of the new creative class!

Industry-leading artists as mentors

Courses are led by top artist . They are ready to teach you essential career-defining practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge.

Masterclasses and Exclusive Events

Students and alumni have ongoing access to exclusive events organized by or partnered with DAS.

Internship at the founding studios

Active and extraordinary graduates will have the opportunity to complete an internship at our founding studios.

Create your story, become an Alumni

Follow the course with interest, complete the assignments, submit your projects on time, and become member of our Alumni Network.

Your New, Creative Journey Begins Here

Frequently Asked Questions

We are answering the most frequent questions. No worries if you do not find the exact one. You can find out more by contacting us

In order to purchase the course you need to register on our site and sign in. Then, depending on the level of the course, you can either purchase the course immediately, or send the necessary form for pre-selection.

All DAS courses have two certification formats. Course attendance certificate and course completion certificate. These two formats differ in the level of student involvement and dedication to the subject.

All DAS students who will be actively engaged in the learning process of the course and successfully submit the course project at the end of it will automatically become members of DAS Alumni Network. Membership in the network includes many privileges listed heres://

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